About Me

I work to create spaces of community building through the arts. My work is attentive to, held accountable by, and enmeshed in the lives of the community members I serve. I believe the arts are a vehicle through which we can learn about ourselves, each other, and our relation with each scale of community in which we participate. Through this work, we can imagine new communities and connections, foster existing and create new resources that allow every person the privilege of access to the arts – of spaces for sharing our commonalities without diminishing our differences.

I contribute to this work with strong presentation, facilitation, and listening skills. All of my professional experience, research, and community involvement has required bringing into conversation sets of people and organizations not usually in contact. I feel comfortable moving among and between different communities and specialists and believe this is vital to crafting together community arts engagement

I have worked in a number of diverse non-profit organizations in varying capacities. My services includes creative and arts-based facilitation, in-depth evaluation and organizational learning, and program management. For examples of my work, see the Projects page.

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